Are you looking for the best agenda calendars on the market? I am talking about what some might consider the old school type of engagement calendars that are meant to be written in and not the fancy little apps that can be used on a phone or tablet. Those are nice but what about when the battery has run down and you are not readily able to charge it up again or the syncing goes wrong and you lose all your information? Personally, I think that having one that is not powered by anything other than your own hands is beneficial to own. These agendas are like books that you can record both your social events and business appointments in with as much or as little information as you want. You don’t have to worry about using up too much of your data plan, either. You just open it up and go to the day, month or week and your information is there or you have a blank page waiting for you to put it there. It might be old school but it certainly works well when it comes to managing your time.
You can find planners in both softcover and hardcover formats. The softcover ones are what they sound like, they have some padding to the cover and the others are more like a book with no padding. You can also choose whether you want a daily format or a weekly format in most instances. Weekly typically means that the days of the week are spread over two pages and there is not as much space to enter information but sometimes that is all we need. Daily agendas will most generally have each day dedicated to one page and allows for some detailed input. These are really handy for business and busy schedules.
Your choices for cover design and overall themes are so varied! You might want a planner or engagement book to not only be a place to keep your daily activities and important family events but you also would like to get inspirational messages for the day, week or month. Inspiration Agendas can be found that will offer general motivation and uplifting quotes. There are also ones that are based from any of the world’s major religions that can help you with your faith.
Do you share your life with a pet or perhaps you are fond of a particular animal that is found in the wild? You might like an agenda book that has photos or artist illustrated images of pets like yours. Pet Agendas can be a general theme of all kinds of dogs, cats or other pets but you can also find some that are of a specific breed. Wild animals are also showcased in engagement books. I think sometimes the hard part is narrowing it down to just picking one because they are all so much fun to work with.
Art Agenda Calendars are another option for you to consider. Art date books may be decorated with all kinds of art: You may love the impressionists artists of the past or contemporary artists that are popular today. You can also choose from the art of the photograph with an agenda that is filled with photographic images from well known photographers. There is no limit to choices when it comes to art in both painted, illustrated and imaging.
Perhaps you are a traveler or wish that you had time to travel to certain destinations around the globe. You might even have a place that you love more than any other place in the world. You just might find some Scenic Agendas that will take you there each day are quite popular. Travel to islands in the sun, to Paris, to a city or country all without every leaving your desk. When the stress of the day or workplace starts to get to you just refer to your scenic calendar and let it take you away for a minute or two.
Maybe gardening is a hobby that you adore or wish that you had more time to dedicate to. Having a floral engagement planner might be just the ideal choice for your time management activities. You can find them in both illustrated formats and photographic formats. There are floral date books that show a variety of different flowers and some dedicated to a specific type of flower like the rose or other favorites of gardeners.
I think that you will find that the best agendas are ones that use the format of recording that you desire and also have a theme that you feel passionate about.
At A Glance Planner
Perfect for those with VERY busy schedules.
The calendar pages cover from July through August so you get 14 months of planning. One week shows on a two page spread when the planner is opened. During the work-week it has convenient quarter-hour lines for appointments Monday through Friday. Weekends have less detail. Includes pages for telephone numbers and addresses. Reference show past and current months along with two future months for convenience in looking forward.
At-a-Glance and its parent company have been helping people keep their lives organized for around 150 years. It is no wonder that a very popular weekly planner is made by this company. This particular planner or appointment book has so much versatility. Measuring 8 1/4 inches by 10 7/8 inches it is about the size of a sheet of paper. It will fit nicely in a briefcase or tote or it can be carried as you would a book. It also works nicely opened on a desktop.
Another planner by At-A-Glance and is about the size of a typical notebook or 8 by 10 inches. It includes a handy pocket to store items in like receipts that need to be turned in for a business trip or recorded for your own records. This 12 month planner covers January through December. As is typical with a weekly planner the weeks are spread out on two pages. An additional feature for this one is that it shows the full month on the left page while the right page has a special section for notes. Appointments can be recorded hourly each day including the weekends.
Keep Yourself On Track With A Weekly Planner
Having a way to keep our busy lives on track has become almost a necessity for people today. Having a weekly planner to keep all of our appointments, important dates like birthdays and anniversaries and other activities in one place to reference at a glance is extremely helpful.
Updated to include Academic weekly planners (which is what you want if you’re buying a planner this summer).
Moms use them to keep track of the kids sports practices and games, the music lessons, school functions and her own appointments. Students use them to keep track of work schedules along with class assignments and their special activities. Business people need to record both their work related events, meetings and projects along with their personal lives, too. Teachers use them to keep themselves on track with planning the curriculum that they need to cover in a grading period. Let’s face it, there are very few people who do not benefit from having a weekly planner.
I have compiled a list of some of the best weekly planners that can be purchased for your own busy life or to give as gifts to your friends, family and co-workers. My criteria when shopping for these planners was to look at what sells the best on popular shopping sites like Amazon.
Weekly Agenda Calendars Are Perfect For Students
Let’s face it kids lives are so busy these days! A planner with a weekly format is perfect to give to a middle school, high school or college student. Not only do they have the classes that they are taking to keep track of but usually they are involved in at least one activity outside of school like sports, dance or art classes. There are also school events like games and dances that they will want to remember when and where they are. So, a great gift that is relatively inexpensive for a student is a weekly agenda planner for them to use for the own purposes.
Dayminder Weekly Appointment Book
Dayminder is a subsidiary of the ACCO Brands and are well known for the products that they produce in organizing types of items like calendars, planners and the like. This particular model is a smaller size that can fit nicely in a woman’s purse or a man’t pocket. Glance at one week’s schedule easily on the two pages that it is spread over. Organize 12 months from July 2013 through june 2014. Appointments are separated by the hour. There are nice reference pages included plus a page for personal information and a page that shows important holidays for the coming year.
Why not use an app or computer to plan?
Granted a planner might seem a little “old school” but it is always available to you. When the internet is down, electricity goes off, or you can’t get a signal on your smart phone…the planner can still be used. You don’t have to pay for an expensive app or fire up your laptop to look at your schedule.
Family Planners: Perfect For Busy Moms
With all of the things a Mom has to keep track of having a special planner that was designed specifically for her busy lifestyle is a real bonus! The moms of today have so many activities to get the kids to after school that it would be easy to forget something. Plus some Moms form carpools to take the children to and from school and Mom needs to remember which week she has. Who has a doctor appointment this week? When is the PTA meeting this month? What day was it she is supposed to volunteer in the classroom? See, Mom needs a planner to keep it all straight!
A 17 month planner covers August through December the upcoming year. Measures 6 3/4 inches wide by 8 1/4 inches tall.
Includes stickers to mark the most important appointments and lets Mom organize by task and time of day. One week spread when opened so Mom can quickly see how busy her week will be.
Pages are recycled paper and the inks are soy based so not only is this a great help to Mom but it is environmentally good for the planet.
For busy Moms and Dads there are specific planners that help keep the entire family and the different activities of each scheduled in one easy to find place. A family planner can be a real asset to the parents with their busy lives and making sure they remember the practices, games and car pooling that they are involved in. It can get hectic especially if a family has more than one child to keep track of.
Most of these agenda planners are geared towards a Mom but a Dad can use them just as easily and a few could even be used for busy people who don’t have kids. They come in a variety of styles and with different themes to choose from. I think the most important thing to look at is how the format is laid out and what will work best for your lifestyle and then find one that is decorated the way that you want it.
Did You Know?
Julius Caesar came up with the idea to have 365 days in a calendar year with every fourth year to add a day. He was trying to fix the original Roman style of calendar which was confusing. He was not the first or the last to have this idea but he might have been the first to decree that it be used.
Cute Weekly Academic Planner
This weekly planner by Day Runner is a nice selection for women with the pretty cover. It is small to fit in her purse or handbag measuring 6 by 9 inches. It covers a 12 month span from July through June. Two pages show an entire week for planning. She can see a small calendar on each week that references the past month and the future month. Appointment grids are planned by the hour.
Day Runner has several cute weekly planners. Shown here is the special edition ‘Goals Planner’ which also functions as a diary and an agenda.
Weekly Planning With An Engagement Calendar
If your life is as busy as mine, I am sure you could use a good weekly agenda planner to help keep all of those appointments and life events in one easy to find place. I have found that the best way to stay organized and not forget about a business appointment or a kid’s sporting event is to use the basic weekly planner. I know it may seem a little “old school” when there are digital applications that I can have on my smartphone or tablet but, I do not always have my tablet with me and if my phone needs to be charged; I am out of luck. That does not happen if I have my agenda planner with me. It needs no electricity and can be taken with me everywhere.
The fun thing is choosing which one I will use each year. I can find some cutesy ones or I can go with a “just the basics” with no fluff or I can find one with a theme that suits my tastes from year to year.

Have a favorite animal?
An engagement planner can show your love…
If you happen to be an animal lover, there are weekly planners that show your favorite animal on them. Whether you favor cats, dogs, horses or wild animals you can find an agenda calendar that will showcase the animal you love the most. Most will include photographs of the animals while some might be images created by an artist. No matter if your passion is for a cow that lives on a farm or a domesticated animal like a certain breed of dog or cat, you will find a portable calendar that is sure to bring a smile to your eyes while keeping you organized at the same time.
Nature lovers can enjoy birds and other animals that live in the wild while keeping track of their appointments, birthdays, anniversaries and other events of importance throughout the year. It kind of boils down to picking the animal and then finding the one that you like the best because there are so many wonderful choices of themed calendars!
Need some inspiration?
You can also choose a planner to inspire or motivate you as you keep track of your schedule throughout the year. It might be you want a spiritual type of inspiration or perhaps just something that motivates you towards your goals for the year.
Agenda style planners can be found with messages that move us and can also be found in a hardcover or softcover format. You can decide which will work best for your needs. Whichever one you choose is sure to keep you not only on track but also inspired with quotes, biblical passages, or teachings of different world renowned individuals to keep a good frame of mind as the year progresses.
Many will have photographs of inspiring types of images while others might be decorated with the work of a familiar artist. All of them are awesome and sure to suit your passion.