Inspirational and Uplifting Christian Calendars and Planners
Diaries and Biblical Engagement Planners, Calendars and Christian Date Books.
If you want your daily reminders of your faith in your date book. If you want your kids to grow up with bible verses literally on the kitchen wall. If you want your year lined with inspiring paintings and photographs to remind you of the greatness of God’s Creation…
I’ve selected psalm calendars by the plenty – so you can find one with just the atmosphere you want in your house. Or one of these Bible Calendars or Planners might be just the thing for you.
These are all dated. I have not been able to find undated Christian calendars, and only one Christian student planner that follows the academic year.
Time Management With Themes Of Christianity
There are a variety of different forms to choose from. Religious Wall calendars with Christian themes are pretty plentiful and they can be a standard size which is usually 12 inches by 12 inches or the mini-wall versions. There are planners and desk calendars with the theme of Christianity, too.
Let’s have a look at some choices that are available for a calendar that keeps you organized and celebrates your Christian faith.
Your Days And Celebrate Your Faith
If you are going to be using a calendar each day to plan out your day, having a Christian calendar that uplifts you with an image, verse or quote that celebrates your faith in some way is like an added bonus. It might be that you like to have a bible verse to reflect on as you go through your daily activities or just something that helps you stay in a frame of mind that helps you be a good example of the teachings of Jesus.
You will find that there are plenty of calendars both in the form of ones that will hang on a wall or ones that you can carry with you or place on your desk.
There are also calendars that are specific to both the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith which are both a part of Christianity with different ways of celebrating and practicing their shared belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior.
When two come together…
Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” and we often consider that the definition of a church. There is something really moving about photographs of churches, at least I think so. It might be a photo of a quaint country church or a magnificent cathedral built for groups of people to go for worship.
Church calendars come in a variety of formats and while some show photographs or an artist’s image of a church others may be humorous in their nature. There are versions that have funny church signs and messages from church bulletins that are fun to read. Some will have paintings from the old masters that hung in churches while others may show exquisite icons from churches of old.
You will find examples of calendars to hang on your wall or planners that are more mobile in their function.
Biblical Inspiration And Motivation
Whether it’s Bible quotes or the Christian saints that inspire you – as a Christian, you will want a Christian Calendar.
Calendars are an essential aid to keeping your life organised – and they are a great place to be reminded of what’s important in life.
Whether you get inspired by angels, saints or one minute devotions – these calendars are surely worth a try. I’ve also found you a traditional Catholic Liturgical Calendar.
Many calendars are published each year that have a Bible verse or psalm included to both motivate and inspire you in your daily walk in faith. Reading the verse gives you something to reflect on as the day progresses or it might even inspire you to take some time to go to the Bible and study what was written before and after the verse displayed.
There are editions that concentrate on only verses from Psalms or Proverbs and sometimes a combination of both. Although there are others that have verses from both the Old Testament and the New Testament that are a part of the pages of the calendar.
Calendars for the walls, desks, or purse are all published with verses from the Bible. Some are even in a planner form for busy moms to schedule all of the activities with the children and still get a Christian message, too.

Christian Planners
Planners are a wonderful tool to use in managing our time, at least they are my calendar of choice. I like that I can have it on my desk when I am working or carry it with me in a purse or briefcase. So, I guess it is the mobility of it that appeals to me the most. I also do not have to worry about start-upt-times, whether my battery is dead on my phone or tablet or that the electricity is out due to a storm, the planner is always available for use and I like that.
There are many Christian planners to choose from if you also want the inspiration and motivation along with the planning of your time. Many use verses from psalms as their inspiration.
As you move toward the future,
may you walk with God each day.
Remembering always, whatever you do,
He is with you each step of the way.
— Helen Steiner Rice Quote > Helen Steiner Rice Calendars