Calendars devoted to Cats and Kittens – ain’t they cute?
Though wikipedia describes the cat as ‘a small domesticated carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and ability to hunt vermin and household pests.’ – I’m sure most of you just like them for their personality and cute looks.
These cat calendars capitalize mostly on that last quality – cute cats and kittens to brighten up your kitchen wall.
Ivory Cats Wall Calendars
Beautiful paintings of cats by Lesley Anne Ivory. Romantic, stylish and of course well executed, these cats mostly remind me of home. Is it really a home without a cat lounging about?
365 Cats Calendar – daily desk calendar
Day by day calendar featuring cute kittens and adult felines.
Some cat lovers just can’t get enough: they need a new cuddly cat photograph for every single day. Is it overdone? Perhaps – but let’s face it, they do look charming.
Kittens Cuddles Planners
2 year planner
This 24 month planner fits easily into a standard size 3-ring binder and the tow pages to a month spread is ideal for keeping track of homework, tests, papers, sports fixtures and all the other important dates and responsibilities of a student’s everyday academic and social life.
Hello Kitty calendars and planners
Recently Hello Kitty celebrated her anniversary. We learned that, despite the whiskers, Hello Kitty is not in fact a cat. She’s a British girl! I don’t know if I buy it. I think she fits very well on this page devoted to cat calendars.
Rachael Hale Cats Wall Calendar
Beautiful cat photographs by Rachael Hale where she dresses them up in human-cloths. I think they look a bit stunned that we’d take the trouble. After all, why not just sit in the sun and enjoy it?
Cats Naps Calendars
The Cat Naps calendar is no sleeper! It is the perfect 29-month date book for those who are over-worked and over-stressed, and offers visual proof of what every cat lover has always known: Cats are masters of the art of relaxation-living proof that naps are the key to contentment.
Featured above is the Cat Naps Pocket Planner and this Cat Naps calendar is no sleeper!
It is the perfect two year pocket planner for those who are over-worked and over-stressed, and offers visual proof of what every cat lover has always known: Cats are masters of the art of relaxation—living proof that naps are the key to contentment.
This is a 29 month Planner that runs from August to December two years later.
Gary Patterson’s Paws & Claws Wall Calendar
Fun cartoons about cats vs dogs – beware of cat! It is an old theme: fighting like cats and dogs. In fact you’ll find that cats and dogs really rarely get along. The only way it can be done, so I have heard, is for the dog and cat to grow up together from when they were puppy and kitten.
Patterson has turned the theme into a funny cartoon.
Kitty Glitz Pocket Planner
Feature-packed planner includes phone and address pages, notes section and 29 months (August – December two years later): all the vital information you need in one place. Compact checkbook size with protective plastic cover, fits purse, briefcase or backpack.
Kittens Hardcover Engagement Calendar
Sure, they make a little mischief. Yes, you have to keep a careful watch on them. But kittens are just so adorable, so playful, so sweet, you don’t mind a bit, even if they do romp recklessly around the house. The delightful photos in this Kittens weekly engagement calendar will make planning your schedule much more fun, even if it has to include a few work meetings.
Kitten Pocket Planner
It’s checkbook size makes this planner perfect to go just about anywhere. 29 months (August 2013 through December 2015). Month-per-spread view with plenty of room to write.
Kittens Small Engagement Calendar
Whether you’re a cat lover who enjoys pretty pictures of kittens on their calendars or you know a cat lover who could do with some additional organization, this gorgeous little deluxe pocket engagement calendar won’t disappoint. Filled with twelve black and white images of kittens, there’s still lots of space for appointments and notes, plus a six language calendar grid that includes phases of the moon for handy reference.