Calendars That Motivate and Inspire
If you are feeling the need to have some quotes or messages that will stay on course with a goal, choosing a motivational calendar could be a tool that you find quite useful. Not only with the calendar help you keep your daily activities in order but you will also have reminders that will often compel you to direct your days to reach a goal, follow a dream or make a wish come true. Good motivators compel us to action in some way that can effectively produce a better outlook on life, make us feel stronger physically or heal emotional wounds. We might also be inspired to reach a goal in our work environment or one that pertains to our personal life. Let’s have a look at the different styles of motivational calendars to use for the coming year.
Live With Intention Wall Calendar and Planner
Live with Intention Calendars come in a standard wall size, a mini wall size and a hardcover planner each year.
The Live with Intention Wall Calendar is full of beautiful art work complimented with inspiration from Renee Locks. There’s a month to a view with a large grid to give you plenty of space for your important dates and appointments. Size open: 24.0 ” x 12.0 “. The mini wall version has a different cover for the calendar year but offers the same images and sayings, it just takes up a smaller space on the wall.
The hardcover planner also has the same images and motivating quotes in a wire-o binding. The calendar is formatted in a two page spread showing two weeks at a time.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Calendars
Based on the #1 bestselling book, since its initial publication in 1989, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Wall Calendar has become one of the best selling motivational calendars.
Size: 22.0 ” x 12.0 “
You will also find from the link that there is a desk calendar that is also available, also. With a convenient tear-off page for each day of the year, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Year-In-A-Box calendar features daily excerpts from Steven Covey’s influential book and is ideal when used by the phone, at the desk or on the nightstand.
Motivational Classics Wall Calendar
A thought to inspire, an idea to internalize, a life to move forward: such are the dynamics of the Motivational Classics calendar. Displayed in your favorite place, this edition will inspire with its stunning scenics as well as words of wisdom to lead you towards a richer, more satisfying life.
Scenic pictures combined with words of wisdom – the best combination for a year calendar.
Be Motivated For A Business Goal
Often times people feel a need to be motivated to reach a goal in their business life. It might be to reach a certain level in sales or to work toward a promotion or just being successful in their field. Having a calendar to reminds us to keep working towards our finish line and to not give up can be very helpful.
Business Inspiration calendars might motivate us on a daily basis or have a weekly or monthly message that keeps us focused on the goal to succeed. It could be the difference between getting up at the crack of dawn to start working or deciding to hang out at the house all day.
Some messages like “don’t let the competition define you” may be just the thought that inspires us to be creative in the way we approach our business day. The quotes or thoughts are meant to drive you toward the goal you have set out to achieve for the year in a positive way.
Planning your way to success
The Tools4Wisdom planners come in daily, weekly and monthly version. Each one is designed for more than just planning your life. It is also a tool for setting priorities, growing in awareness and simply getting (and keeping) your act together. Each week (or day, in the daily version) includes questions to help you re-evaluate your life. By writing with an actual pen, you are also stimulating your creativity.
The aim of this planner is to make small steps each day – which can add up to a completely changed life.
Soar to Success Calendars
Lifting you up towards success
Using the premise that our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by how we react to what happens, the Soar to Success Motivational Calendar helps us create a positive attitude. This will in turn act as a catalyst, that creates a spark that has the potential to lead to extraordinary results.
This calendar features stunning photography combined with thought-provoking and inspirational words and quotes. All calendar pages are printed on FSC certified paper with environmentally safe inks.
This inspiring and motivational calendar also comes in a mini wall and a desk version.
Quotations That Inspire
Sometimes the stimulus to live out the day comes from a quotation from notable people that have lived life to its fullest. The quotes could be from world leaders, renowned philosophers or simple folk who knew how to inspire with their words and examples of living.
Inspirational Quotes can be found in many styles of calendars and a variety of different types of inspiration and motivation. You might choose a wall calendar or prefer something to have on your desk. It might be a small pocket size planner that you can carry with you as you move through your day.
The quotations might be short and simple in their nature or they may a longer message but all have the ability to be profound and be a provocation to have a positive outlook for the day.
For Women Who Do Too Much Desk Calendar
A Page A Day
For Women Who Do Too Much Page-A-Day Desk Calendar
As trusted and beloved as a good friend, For Women Who Do Too Much is a perennial bestseller. This Desk Calendar is filled with day after day of wisdom, empathy, and humor to keep life in perspective.
We are inspired and encouraged to seek out opportunities to perform random acts of kindness and to make amends when amends are due. Included are quotes from women with something to say:
“The most important thing one woman can do for another is to illuminate and expand her sense of actual possibilities” (Adrienne Rich)
Size: 6.25 ” x 6.25 “
Comes In Many Forms
When we are seeking motivation in our daily lives we are looking for direction in some way. Little road signs that will arouse our minds to think in a positive way. We may want to be a better person, a happier person or live a more peaceful existence. We might want to become more physically fit by losing weight or train to run in a marathon. Each of us have a different need for the inspiration to make a dream become reality, a wish to come true or achieve a goal.
Motivation calendars can serve our own desire for any of the reasons we are seeking to be inspired. You might find that simple one word messages work well or you may want something specific to keep you motivated each day. A variety of wall calendars and planners can be found to meet your expectations. Some are very general while others can be quite specific in their messages.
Keep Calm and Carry On calendars
Inspired by the simple but powerful motivational poster that helped keep the British chins up during World War II, this Motivational Planner has an inspirational slogan, quote or motto for each day of the year – certain to keep you “chipper” all day long “old bean”!
Life’s Little Instruction Calendar Desk Calendar
For twenty years, millions of folks have embraced the civility, generosity, and playfulness espoused in Life’s Little Instruction Calendars. Each page of this edition features a meaningful new instruction by author H. Jackson Brown, Jr. His perceptive and forthright advice speaks to the heart and changes lives.
Here is a sampling of the thoughtful and warmhearted entries you’ll find in the Life’s Little Instruction Calendar: Volume XVIII Day-to-Day Calendar:
“Joy not shared dies young.”
“Never ask a woman why she takes so long in the bathroom.”
“Life is unfair, but you don’t have to be.”
Motivated In A Spiritual Way
Many people like to have a calendar that offers religious inspiration in their daily journey through life. They want faith based motivation to help them walk through the day with a message that is uplifting and spiritual in its message.
There are several forms of these types of calendars that may have verses from the bible for Christians to find inspiration from. There are also choices for the Jewish faith, Buddhism and many of the major world religions to choose from. Some may not be connected to any specific doctrine but may have a more general message of a spiritual nature to help them go through the day with a light heart and peaceful frame of mind.
We women often find that we need motivation and inspiration in different forms that fit our own lives. We may be a stay at home mom who is homeschooling our children or running a taxi service taking the kids from this practice to that one. We could be a single mom with all of the struggles of work, kids and all that comes with being without a partner. It becomes overwhelming at times and we need something to keep us in a healthy frame of mind.
We might also be a career woman who needs a different type of stimulation to meet our goals, live out our dreams and have a productive life.
Women’s Inspiration can and needs to be different for each of our lives. We often need to be reminded that we can be the most colorful crayon in the box of life. What might motivate males do not necessarily speak to our feminine needs or desires for an easier or more productive lifestyle.
With Motivating Messages
Selecting a planner for your motivational messages is often a nice choice. They may be small and can be placed in a pocket, purse or briefcase or they can be in a larger format that can be carried in your hands or placed on a desk. All will offer the inspiration that you are looking for while also keeping your daily schedule recorded with the information you need close at hand. Check out these planners that offer motivational messages for you to consider.
One reader says:
I enjoy keeping positive quotes near me as a reminder to myself. I also use the phrase “I am Strong” and repeat it often throughout the day. The subconscious message gets through powerful and clear.
Keep yourself motivated with these agenda books
My selection of motivational pocket and wall calendars to help you keep track of your life and stay motivated at the same time.
Beautiful calendars from various vendors selected for their beauty, their energy and their reminders to live with intention.
Inspiration Hardcover Date Books
12 Month Engagement Planners
Inspiration Planners in a hardcover binding offer both motivation and inspiration for the year. Sayings from many different sources that can uplift and inspire you, whether it be from a member of your family, a friend or someone else, like a leader always give a sometimes needed and always appreciated boost to our spirit. The wonderful photography and uplifting passages in these weekly engagement planners are sure to uplift and rejuvenate you.
Mindful Living Planner and Calendars
12 months, covers all of the calendar year
Mindful Living Small Weekly Engagement Calendar
The Mindful Living Small Engagement Calendar will help you live and organize a more mindful life through the whole year. Breathtakingly beautiful art combines with reflective words of wisdom. This calendar has one week per page.
Perfectly Portable! The small size makes it ideal for purses, pockets and briefcases.
Size Closed: 5.0 ” x 3.5 “
This also comes in a standard sized wall calendar.
I Can Do It Calendar: 365 Daily Affirmations – Inspiration and affirmation for your whole year
Are you looking for freedom? The energy to change and expand your boundaries? Louise L Hay’s I CAN DO IT Calendar offers you 366 positive thoughts, affirmations and words of wisdom that will keep you motivated and help you manifest love, success, health, and overall well-being.